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- Beskid Sądecki.6
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- Łódź i okolice.369
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- Warte przeczytania.0
- Wideło.16
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- Z Buta.1
- Z muzyką.91
- Z Tosią.84
- Zakopane 2012.2
- Zalew Sulejowski i okolice.12
- Zerowy przebieg.21
- Zittauer Gebirge.1
Sobota, 10 grudnia 2011 | dodano: 22.02.2017Kategoria Z muzyką, Łódź i okolice
Nuda... po worki do odkurzacza...
Żeby jednak półpustego wpisu nie dodawać, to wkleję to:
"What happens when a song is made to make you distressed and then say it's sorry, only to see your reaction and then punch you in the face?
It could also plan ahead and ambush you like you're a child taking a strangers candy, only to kidnap you and lock you in a small claustrophobia inducing air-tight room. It would be in complete control of your breathing while holding you hostage as your skin amasses goose bumps as you sit there in shock. What the hell is going on? You ponder, without taking a breath.
In this state it is beautifully tormenting you by forcing mental images of magnificently hand-crafted woven blankets upon a nice warm bed. It then gives you the bed, the blankets and caresses your cheek as you start breathing again. There is only one problem, you are still in the same room with no way out and you don't even realize because you are wrapped in its intricate serenity.
It then pours gasoline all over the magnificently hand-crafted woven blanket and flicks a lit match onto it. It watches you squirm before you are engulfed in the flames. You then wake up and Track 2 is starting, are you ready to do it again?"
Ten fragment z recenzji albumu "Mass IIII" belgijskiej formacji AmenRa świetnie oddaje jak niesamowicie świetna i zrazem skrajnie dołująca to płyta. Po prostu miażdży, wdeptuje w ziemię i spluwa na resztki.
<object width="425" height="350"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/d70aV3iMrTk"> <embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/d70aV3iMrTk" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350"></embed></object>
Temperatura: HR max: (%) HR avg: (%) Kalorie: (kcal)
Żeby jednak półpustego wpisu nie dodawać, to wkleję to:
"What happens when a song is made to make you distressed and then say it's sorry, only to see your reaction and then punch you in the face?
It could also plan ahead and ambush you like you're a child taking a strangers candy, only to kidnap you and lock you in a small claustrophobia inducing air-tight room. It would be in complete control of your breathing while holding you hostage as your skin amasses goose bumps as you sit there in shock. What the hell is going on? You ponder, without taking a breath.
In this state it is beautifully tormenting you by forcing mental images of magnificently hand-crafted woven blankets upon a nice warm bed. It then gives you the bed, the blankets and caresses your cheek as you start breathing again. There is only one problem, you are still in the same room with no way out and you don't even realize because you are wrapped in its intricate serenity.
It then pours gasoline all over the magnificently hand-crafted woven blanket and flicks a lit match onto it. It watches you squirm before you are engulfed in the flames. You then wake up and Track 2 is starting, are you ready to do it again?"
Ten fragment z recenzji albumu "Mass IIII" belgijskiej formacji AmenRa świetnie oddaje jak niesamowicie świetna i zrazem skrajnie dołująca to płyta. Po prostu miażdży, wdeptuje w ziemię i spluwa na resztki.
<object width="425" height="350"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/d70aV3iMrTk"> <embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/d70aV3iMrTk" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350"></embed></object>
Rower:[A] Mieszczuch
Dane wycieczki:
10.76 km (0.00 km teren), czas: h, avg: km/h,
prędkość maks: 0.00 km/hTemperatura: HR max: (%) HR avg: (%) Kalorie: (kcal)
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